Friday, August 27, 2010

Apple's iPad - Review

Romney and I have done a bit of traveling and will do some more before the year is out. Since we don't own a laptop anymore, we used traveling as an excuse to buy an iPad. We've been thinking about it for a while, wondering if it would be a tool Romney could use for her work, assuming we got the 3G version that would allow her to access the internet anywhere. Maps would come in handy for her driving from appointment to appointment. Before taking off, she could consult her map by just typing in the address and it would give her step-by-step directions. Plus it could work well as a notebook to take notes at her visits and in any staff meetings. Anyway, she decided it might not be worth it. However, with the traveling coming up, and me staying away from home longer than she would, we decided to go ahead and get one.

First, let me tell you, we LOVE our iPad (Romney as much as me!). It's become our little companion during the evenings. We do all kinds of things with it like playing games, surfing the internet, using Facebook, taking notes at meetings, watching TV shows, reading, looking up recipes, and a myriad of other things. I've been reading about how other people interact with theirs and how most people don't take it around with them throughout their normal day. They say it is more of a couch computer and I'd have to say that's true. It is so nice to just sit on the couch and watch a show in the evening on the TV while using the iPad to do other things. It's just so relaxing. However, I do take it to work every day and use it during lunch. (I've tried several times to get Romney to take it to work like we originally thought of doing, but she doesn't seem too interested anymore.) I used to pitch in and pay for the newspaper at work and read some of it during lunch. Now with the iPad, I don't pitch in anymore and just read the stories I'm interested in on my iPad.

I will do other posts on the types of apps we have on it and what we really like to use it for. Truthfully, I could probably do tons of posts as there's so much about it that we like. But I'll keep it to a minimum.

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