Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ugly Fish in the Ala Wai Canal (Week 3: January 13-19)

The Ala Wai Canal has a lot of fish in it. They are ugly black fish that remind me of carp in the Portneuf River near my home. Romney and I were walking along Ala Wai Boulevard and looking at the fish when suddenly Romney spotted this giant fish swimming with them. The pictures don't do it justice, but it was fat and ugly!

You can see the other black fish in the upper right corner to compare size.


  1. That's a gorgeous porcupine fish!!! You should have been very excited to see him / her. Also, the canal fish may look dirty, fat and ungly from above (which is a natural camouflage technique).. but at eye level they are full of color.

    1. Thanks, Jaeger! I agree that there was a beauty to it. It's the first porcupine fish we ever saw so it was definitely thrilling. I guess my comment on ugly was comparing it to many of the other tropical fish we've seen living in Hawaii. I'm sure in cleaner water and with better lighting, it wouldn't have looked so grey and colorless. Still, it was so awesome I had to post about it.
